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Easter Eggs Sometimes Look Just Like Mangoes!

Writer's picture: Mark CowleyMark Cowley

by Brooks Hartzell

Most of you know that I’m not writing about the familiar Easter egg—which is about as non-Jewish as it gets!—but about those amazing little surprises Dad places along our path every day just to remind us regularly of His love and kindness! And He definitely knows how to get our attention using our love language (which I suppose He created in the first place?).

No doubt about it. For me, like several others in this mishpochah, my primary love language is food. Lots of us foodies in this Family for sure! And lately for me this has meant mangoes, and more specifically sliced mangoes in big jars of their own natural juices! They are SO good! And so amazingly good for you, too. Personally I really doubt that the fruit of the Tree Of Life was an apple. I think it might have been much more like a mango! 😊

Oh, what a sad day it was last month when I ran out. Though I searched diligently, none could be found.😒 But when I looked in that same cabinet last week in search of something else, there it was, couched hiding in the back, winking at me over the top of all those other jars, all bright and yellow and shiny--THAT FINAL JAR! I tell you, I was much more excited about that jar than ANY Easter egg I ever found as a child!

My earthly father used to hide Easter eggs for me and my brothers to find. Did Heavenly Father hide this from me as a special treat just when I thought all was lost?! (Isn’t it interesting how Yeshua used the example of an earthly father offering his son an EGG as a metaphor for His own much greater love for us?)

And now when I look in the fridge and see that jar, it brings a smile and chuckle, and reminds me that He REALLY DOES love me! And goes out of His way to place little reminders along my path every day, just to see if I’ll notice! (See, Mark, I’m “Noticing!”)

I wonder what surprise He has already placed along your path today just for the sheer pleasure He gets from seeing you find it?! Do you see that wink and twinkle in His eye, and hear that Voice saying, “See? I REALLY REALLY DO LOVE YOU!!!” 😊

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May 15, 2023

I liken those personal, intimate gifts to His still small you said dear Brooksie, He speaks our love language and makes it so personal that we can't help but giggle! 😍

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