by Brooks Hartzell

These last few weeks in Florida were great! Marla and I saw dear friends, enjoyed the weather and outdoors, and did practically everything we planned to do. But tomorrow we have to leave. 😒
The first time we had to leave, it hit us pretty hard. We felt like Adam and Eve being kicked out from the Garden Of Eden without being told why! I don't feel so hurt and confused this time, but I am still a little sad because Florida is something of a figure of Heaven for me. Here's why...
I definitely see a connection between Florida and eternal life. Ponce de Leon explored much of the state while searching for the legendary Fountain Of Youth. He never found it (though residents of a Florida retirement community did in "Cocoon"). 😊 All that of course is fantasy. But there's an aspect of this that I've seen is actually true.
As new residents of a 55+ Florida community, one of the first things we noticed was how happy and friendly the other residents were--always smiling and waving as they went by, introducing themselves, and NEVER forgetting our names. It really stood out and was nice, but it creeped me out a little bit, too. Sort of like that old TV show "The Prisoner" even though this was GOOD. I wondered if maybe the community leaders psych profiled new residents for compatibility, or if they were putting happy pills in the pool! So we asked other residents about this. The prevailing thought is that a lot actually has to do with the weather. All that sunlight boosts the mood, and good weather promotes an active lifestyle--both of which tend to extend length and quality of life! People just tend to feel healthier and happier here.
The truth is that environment matters. We became snowbirds largely because as an outdoor person, mid-western winters were becoming intolerable for me. A better environment solved the problem much better than I ever imagined it would. How much more will this be true for all of us in Heaven--the absolutely perfect environment--the one we were actually made for!
And here’s the kicker: Do you know what makes it even better?